
Effective Date: 01/05/2021

To achieve our mission of helping you to improve your vision in a simple way, we provide users of the iSee Life app with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration we believe they will benefit from to the best of our ability.

Although we do our best to provide reliable and informative material, we cannot, will not and do not make any representations or warranty with respect to the content on our app. Use the iSee Life app, and other services provided by iSee Life, at your own risk.

The information we provide via iSee Life app is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. Seek the advice from your trusted eye doctor or optometrist or another qualified healthcare professional with respect to any questions you may have regarding the condition of your eyes, visual system or any other health related matter.

The content we provide is not intended to be relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Inform your trusted eye doctor, optometrist or other qualified healthcare professional of any changes you may make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her.

Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of information you have read from the resources accessible from the iSee Life app or any other iSee Life owned resources.

For questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your qualified healthcare professional.

For questions regarding the use of iSee Life app please contact us via [email protected]